Bologna Ambassadors award ceremony 2020
January 16th 2020

The third edition of the project “Bologna, city of events – Ambassadors award ceremony” is taking place at 6 pm on 16 January in the wonderful location of the Farnese Chapel of Palazzo d'Accursio.
During the event, awards will be presented to the eighteen personalities who won this prestigious prize. The project targets influential personalities from the city’s academic, medical, scientific, professional, business and institutional world, who are concerned with putting Bologna forward to host a future conference or other kind of event.
The city's Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Promotion, Matteo Lepore, will speak at the ceremony about the importance of the MICE sector for the economic development of Bologna and about the institutions’ tourism policies to work on the appeal of the local area. The programme also includes talks by the President of Bologna Welcome, Celso de Scrilli, the Vice-chancellor of the University of Bologna, Prof. Antonino Rotolo, the President of BolognaFiere, Gianpiero Calzolari, and Mario Buscema, President of the Technical Coordination Committee of Bologna Convention Bureau.
This will be followed, last but not least, by the presentation of awards to the city of Bologna’s fourteen Ambassadors.
Here are the names of the individuals selected for these prestigious awards:
Prof. Giovanni Barbara - Congresso Internazionale IBS -Irritable bowel syndrome
Prof. Luca Benini, 15th International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilation -HIPEAC
Prof. Marco Beretta e Prof.ssa Sandra Linguerri, 9th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science -ESHS
Prof. Lorenzo Breschi, 3rd Biennial Meeting of the International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry -IAAD
Prof. Pietro Cortelli, 50° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurologia
Prof.ssa Alessandra Luati, 24th Conference of the International Association for Statistical Computing –COMPSTAT
Prof. Nicolò Marchetti, 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near
Prof. Alberto Melloni, Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion
Prof. Nicola Rizzo, Corsi Multimediali di Diagnosi e Terapia Prenatale ed Ecografia Ginecologica
Prof. Maurizio Stupiggia e Prof.ssa Rosanna De Sanctis, 17th European Association for BodyPsychotherapy Congress –EABP
Prof. Carlo Tamanini, 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction -ICAR
Prof. Alberto Villani e Prof. Gian Paolo Salvioli, Congresso Nazionale SIP - Società italiana di
Gianpiero Calzolari, Presidente BolognaFiere
Fulvio Macciardi, Sovrintendente Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Riccardo Collina, export manager di Centergross Bologna
The awards ceremony ended with a cocktail at the Tassinari hall, curated by La Casona Group srl.