Bologna Ambassadors Award Ceremony 2024
June 12, 2024

Seventeen prominent figures from the academic, scientific, business and sports communities were celebrated in Cappella Farnese in Palazzo d'Accursio during the sixth Bologna Ambassador Award Ceremony, on Wednesday, June 12. Presenting the prestigious awards were leading institutional figures from the territory.
The annual event celebrates professionals from the city's academic, medical, scientific, professional, business, sports and institutional sectors, awarded as "Ambassadors" for enhancing the visibility of the destination and its scientific, cultural, economic and reputational development by bringing major congressional or other events to Bologna. This is an important result achieved as part of the Bologna Ambassador project, an initiative aimed at prominent personalities capable of bringing major events to the city thanks to their prestige and network of national and international relationships. With the sixth edition now over, the city has as many as 85 Bologna Ambassadors.
Preceding the awarding of the Bologna Ambassadors was a dialogue between key players in the area, who discussed the growth of Bologna as an international destination in the conference sector; speakers were Daniele Ravaglia, President of Fondazione Bologna Welcome, Maria Letizia Guerra, Delegate for Public Engagement of the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Mattia Santori, President of the Territorio Turistico Bologna-Modena and Delegate for Major Events of the Municipality of Bologna, and Michela Pacifici, Co-Chair of the Conference Committee of the European Congress of Conservation Biology, as well as one of the Ambassadors honored.
Bologna Convention Bureau estimates show that in 2023 Bologna hosted at least 64 events of at least 200 participants from different sectors, more than half of which were international in nature. Congresses, conventions and workshops - lasting an average of 3.2 days - attracted 58,430 participants to the destination, generating an induced revenue of about €85,000,000.
Bologna's growth in the meetings industry, the institutional figures present recalled, is also evidenced by its positioning in the Top50 worldwide and in the Top 3 in Italy, after Rome and Milan, according to the ICCA 2023 Ranking. Conference and event organizers appreciate its wide variety of venues, versatile and located both in the historic center and throughout the metropolitan area; its privileged geographical location, which makes it a natural crossroads for Italy and the world; its authentic atmosphere; and the fruitful collaboration between territorial operators, city institutions and the academic community.
After the moment of discussion, the present speakers honored the attending professionals one by one. Here is the list of new Bologna Ambassadors honored this year:
1. For 22nd International Conference on Magnetism - ICM 2024
- Valentin Alek Dediu
Research Director at CNR - Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials.
Coordinator of the Magnetism and Molecular Spintronics Group. - Ilaria Bergenti
First Researcher at CNR - Institute for the study of nanostructured materials
Vice-chair ICM 2024
2. For Controlled Release Society (CRS) 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo
- Paolo Decuzzi
Senior Scientist at the Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Precision Medicine, Italian Institute of Technology
Visiting Professor, Oncology Division, Stanford University
3. For 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology - ECCB
- Michela Pacifici
Researcher of Zoology at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
Chairwoman Society for Conservation Biology - Italy Chapter
Chair Organizing Committee of ECCB2024 - Alessandro Chiarucci
Full Professor of Environmental and Applied Botany, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Co-Chair Organizing Committee of ECCB2024 - Lisa Tedeschi
Research fellow, University of Vienna and University of Rome La Sapienza - Michele Lussu
Research fellow BIOME Lab, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Secretary Society for Conservation Biology - Italy Chapter
ECCB2024 Organizing Committee
4. For 9th Scientific Meeting of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery - WSPCHS
- Gaetano Domenico Gargiulo
Full Professor of Cardiac Surgery, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Director of Pediatric and Developmental Age Cardiac Surgery at Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria - IRCCS Policlinico di S.Orsola, Bologna
5. For 24th NATA Annual Symposium 2024 on Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis
- Maria Beatrice Rondinelli
Medical director of the Complex Structure of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine - Metropolitan Area of Bologna
Since 2018 NATA International Board director
University Lecturer of the Master Patient Blood Management, University of Rome La Sapienza
6. For 3rd International Workshop on Vertical Farming - VertiFarm2024
- Francesco Orsini
Full Professor of Horticulture, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Chair, Division Landscape and Urban Horticulture, International Society for Horticultural Sciences - Giuseppina Pennisi
Fixed-term researcher, Department of Agricultural and Food Technology Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorium - University of Bologna
7. For 25th Annual Congress of the European Pediatric Surgeon Association - EUPSA
- Mario Lima
Full Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Alma Mater Studiorium - University of Bologna
Director of the Complex Operative Unit of Pediatric Surgery - Policlinico S.Orsola - Ospedale Maggiore
Director School of Specialization in Pediatric Surgery, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
8. For EuroThrombosis & Eurovessels Congress - ETEV2024
- Andrea Rubboli
Director, Cardiology Operating Unit, S. Maria delle Croci Hospital, Ravenna, Italy
Chairperson, Working Group on Thrombosis, Euroepoan Society of Cardiology
9. For 11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2024 - Welfare&Sustainability
- Daniele Torreggiani
PhD in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and Full Professor in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna,
Coordinator of the Bachelor of Science in Green and Landscape Science and Technology. - Patrizia Tassinari
Ph.D. in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and Full Professor in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Health, Safety and Green Systems.
10. For 17th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology - EFS 2024
- Maria Cristina Florini
Psychologist, psychotherapist, clinical sexologist
Former executive psychologist Azienda USL Modena
President Italian Center of Sexology - CIS
11. For We Make Future
- Cosmano Lombardo
Founder and CEO of Search On Media Group
WMF creator
The evening ended with a cocktail reception in the beautiful Palazzo Re Enzo catered by La Casona Group.