Emilia-Romagna 1st region in Italy and 21st in the world for innovation
January 8, 2024

According to the latest the "Transatlantic Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index 2.0," Emilia-Romagna is the top Italian region worldwide for innovation and competitiveness.
The ranking, produced by some of the most prestigious and authoritative international research centers, orders as many as 121 provinces and regions from all over the world by innovation capacity and degree of business competitiveness. Among the countries considered are some of the most advanced, such as Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Sweden and the US.
The ranking, with the two American states of Massachusetts and California at the top and Germany's Baden-Württemberg in third place, confirms the excellent positioning of Emilia-Romagna, Italy's first region, ahead of Lombardy (36th), Lazio (42nd), Piedmont (44th) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (47th). Specifically, the study considers 13 indicators grouped into 3 thematic clusters: knowledge economy, globalization and innovation capacity.
"Watching Emilia-Romagna ranked first Italian region, only surpassed by the historically strongest territories of Germany, the U.S., Sweden and Austria, is a prestigious achievement" commented Region President Stefano Bonaccini and Regional Councillor for Economic Development Vincenzo Colla "but also a new starting point for an area that, thanks to the collaboration between institutions and economic, social and academic representatives, can work as a team to share increasingly ambitious goals and compete with the best players in the world."